Commercial Layer Poultry Farm

10,000 Commercial Layer Poultry Farm


The project rates of various investments are approximate, variation may occur at (different places. These are given just for : guideline. The entrepreneurs may select his own schedule of placement and system of rearing of birds.

  • (i) The project report envisages 10000 commercial layer birds per year.
  • (ii)The birds rearing system will have One Brooder cum Grower House for 5000 chicks und Two Layer Houses of 5000 capacity of each. In brooder cum grower house S000 one day old chick will be reared for first 20 weeks,
  • (111) From grower house these chicks will be transferred in first layer house where these birds will be kept for 52 weeks (one year) i.e. production period. After completing (2 weeks of productions these birds will be sold for table purpose (cu! ed).
  • (iv) Two flocks for 5000 DC C chicks will be purchased each year as mentioned in chicks placement schedule {annexure-A)
  • (v) Flock will be culled after "2 weeks of age (Annexure-A)
  • (vi) Estimated cost of project is Rs. 99.53 lakh.
  • (vii) The egg production per female bird per year is assumed 320 ( 6.5 eggs per week)
  • (viii) The average sate price of an egg is estimated Rs. 4.50
  • (ix) Sale price of culled bird ( 72 weeks of age) is assumed Rs. 90/- bird.
  • (x) Mortality presumed from 0-20 weeks 5% and from 21-72 weeks 8% a (xi) Feed consumption during brooding (0-8 week) age will be 0.169 kg per chick per week (total 1.352kg/chick) and during growing age (9-18 weeks) 0.409 kg/chick/week (Total 4.908 kg/chick). The feed consumption during laying period (52 weeks) will be 0.665 kg per bird per week (Total consumption in 52 week will be 34.50 kg per bird) )
  • (xii) The assumed cost of feed during brooding age is Rs. 24/- kg during growing period Rs. 22/- kg. and is paying 22.50 per kg.
  • (xiii) Laying period feeding starts from 2C weeks and continue till 72 weeks of age. Total feed consumption during this period will be around 34.50 kg per bird.
  • (xiv) The construction cost of brooder cum grower house and adult house is assumed Rs. 495/- per sqft. Other construction costs are mentioned in the scheme.
  • (xv) The entrepreneurs share 30% will be Rs. 29.85 lac while bank finance 70% will be Rs. 69.67 lac
  • (xvi) 1st year will be grace period in which only interest will be charged.
  • (xvii) Bank loan will be repayed in 5 equal yearly installments starting from 2nd year.
  • (xviii)Loterest subvention 7% as proposed in he scheme will be payed in span on five years from 1st installment released by the bank. It will be maximum Rs 14.61 lac per unit in five years.
  • (xviv) All the prices has been kept constant for ease of calculation and on presumption that if the expenditure increase the sale price of egg will also increase accordingly.
  • (xx) I and requirement -Maximum One Acre (100% stamp duty exemption if land is purchased by beneficiaries)
  • (xxi) A beneficiary can take max. one unit. Other family member having separate land ownership are also be eligible to take benefit of the scheme.
  • (xxii)
    Total project cost Rs. 96.53 Lac
    Margin Money (30%) Rs. 29.85 Lac
    Bank Loan (70%) Rs, 69.67 Lac
  • (xxiii) Subsidy in electricity duty will be given for 10 years per months and Rs. 4800.00 per unit per year.
  • (xxiv) This scheme is only for Commercial Layer birds. Producing not less than 300 eggs per annum.

Investment per unit of tew thousand Commercial Layer (estimated)

Particulars Rs In lac
1 LAND(Self/Owned) 1Acre
2 Building
2.a Land Development & Fencing 2.00
2.b Water arrangement (deep boring) 0.75
2.c Brooder cum Grower House for 5000 chicks per lot 0.40 Sqft per birds. Total area 2000 sqft construction cost Rs.495/- per sqft. |9.90
2.d Layer House for 10000 adult 0.80 sqft /bird total area | 10000 sqft construction cost Rs. 495/ sqft. 39.60
2.e Feed Mill & Store 300 Sqft 820/ Sqft 1.17 2.46
2.f Office & Store 200 Sqft 820/Sqft 1.64
2.g Supervisor or workers quarter 200 Sqft 820/8qft 1.64
2.h Miscellaneous 1.17
Total(2) 59.53
3.a Water arrangement/Drinking System(Over head tanks,Pipeline etc) 0.80
3.b Grinder ,Mixer for feed mill 2.00
3.c Generator 1.00
3.d Brooder cages for 5000 chicks Rs.50/-per chicks 2.50
3.e Grower cages for 5000 chicks Rs.70/-per chicks 3.50
3.f Layer cages for 10000 birds Rs.50/-per bird 10.00
3.g Miscellaneous Equipment 0.40
3.h Electrical installation 0.30
Total(3) 20.50
4.a Cost of 1200) layer chicks Rs. 40/- 4.00
4.b Feeding cost from 0-20 weeks 112.00
4.c Medicine & vaccination cost 15/chicks 1.50
4.d Overheads for six months 2.00
Total 19.50
Total Cost of the Project 99.53

Means of Finance

Total Project Cost Rs. 99.53 Lac
Loan from Bank (70%) Rs. 69.67 Lac Maximum
Margin Money (30%) Rs. 29.85 Lac Minimum

Income Expenditure

(A) Income From Sale of eggs and culls
Year Batch Size Total layer Weeks(no) Prod./Bird/week nos Total Egg prod (no lac) Egg Sale Price Rs/ egg Total sale value (A) Rs (lac) Total Culled Birds no Culls Price Rs/ bird Cull Income Rs Lac(B) Total (A+B) Income In Lac
I 5000 47 5.76/week 13.57 4.50 60.885 - - 60.885
II 5000 104 5.76/week 29.95 4.50 134.775 9200 90.00 8.28 143.055
III 5000 104 5.76/week 29.95 4.50 134.775 9200 90.00 8.28 143.055
IV 5000 104 5.76/week 29.95 4.50 134.775 9200 90.00 8.28 143.055
V 5000 104 5.76/week 29.95 4.50 134.775 9200 90.00 8.28 143.055
VI 5000 104 5.76/week 29.95 4.50 134.775 9200 90.00 8.28 143.055


B-(i)Brooding Phase
Year Batch Size Brooding weeks Feed Consumption Per year To Feed Consumption(kg) Cost Of The Feed Rs/kg Total Cost Of Feed (Rs.Lac) Medicine+ Vaccine Expenditure Rs/ Bird/ year Cost of Medi+ Vaccine Lac/ year Total EXPENDITURE (7+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
II 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
III 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
IV 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
V 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
VI 5000 16 0.169 13520 24/kg 3.24480 14.00 1.40 4.64480
B-(ii)Growing Phase
Year Batch Size Brooding weeks Feed Consumption Per year Total Feed Consumption(kg) Price Of Feed (Rs.Lac) Total Cost Of Feed (Rs.Lac) Medicine+ Vaccine Expenditure Rs/ Bird/ year Cost of Medi+ Vaccine Lac/ year Total EXPENDITURE (7+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
II 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
III 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
IV 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
V 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
VI 5000 24 0.409 49080 22/kg 10.79 4.00 0.40 11.19
B-(iii)Laying Phase
Year Batch Size laying weeks Feed Consumption Per year Total Feed Consumption(kg) Price Of Feed (Rs.Lac) Total Cost Of Feed (Rs.Lac) Medicine+ Vaccine Expenditure Rs/ Bird/ year Cost of Medi+ Vaccine Lac/ year Total EXPENDITURE (7+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I 500047 0.75015604022.5035.11 15.00 1.5036.60
II 5000104 0.75034528022.5077.68 15.00 1.5079.18
III 5000104 0.75034528022.5077.68 15.00 1.5079.18
IV 5000104 0.75034528022.5077.68 15.00 1.5079.18
V 5000104 0.75034528022.5077.68 15.00 1.5079.18
Vi 5000104 0.75034528022.5077.68 15.00 1.5079.18
B-(iv)Chick Purchase Cost
year Batch Size Total batches Total chicks Total cost Rs 40/chick
I 5000 2 10000 400000
II 5000 2 10000 400000
III 5000 2 10000 400000
IV 5000 2 10000 400000
V 5000 2 10000 400000
VI 5000 2 10000 400000
B-(v)Salaries Wages and Other
SNO Description No Salary Per Month (in Rs) Yearly (in Rs) 1st Year(6 Month In Rs.)
1. Supervisor 1 7000 84000 42000
2. Skilled Worker 1 6000 72000 36000
3. Unskilled 3 4000 144000 72000
4. Misc Exp. - 2000 24000 12000
total 324000 162000
B-(vi) Bank Repayment(Rs. In lac)
Year Loan Amount Repayment Principal Amount Repayment Interest 9% Interest Subvention By Govt 7% Maximum Total To Bank (3+4) Total Net Paid by Investor (3+4))-5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I 69.67 Grace Period - - - -
II 69.67 13.93 6.17 4.87 20.10 15.23
III 55.74 13.93 4.94 3.90 18.87 14.97
IV 41.81 13.93 3.70 2.92 17.63 14.71
V 27.88 13.93 2.47 1.95 16.40 14.45
VI 13.95 13.93 1.23 0.97 15.16 14.19
Total 69.67 18.51 14.61 88.16 73.55
B.vii Annual profit And Loss(in lac)
Description Year-I Year-II Year-III Year-IV Year-V Year-VI
Sale of Eggs 60.885 134.775 134.775 134.775 134.775 134.775
Sale of culls - 8.280 8.280 8.280 8.280 8.280
Sale of Mannure - - - - - -
Total 60.885 143.055 143.055 143.055 143.055 143.055
Cost of chicks 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Brooding Phase 4.64 4.64 4.64 4.64 4.64 4.64
Growing Phase 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19
Laying Phase 36.61 79.18 79.18 79.18 79.18 79.18
OverHeads 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
TOTAL(B) 58.44 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76
(c) Gross Income (A-B)Less (-) 2.44 41.295 41.295 41.295 41.295 41.295
Bank principal(D) - 13.93 13.93 13.93 13.93 13.93
Net Bank Interest paid(E) - 1.37 1.10 0.82 0.55 0.27
(F) Net Income after Interst subvention @7% (C-D-E) 2.44 25.99 26.265 26.535 26.815 27.095