Commercial Layer Poultry Farm

30,000 Commercial Layer Poultry Farm


The projected rates of various investment are approximate, variation may occur with time .

  • (i) The project report envisages 10000 commercial layer birds per year.
  • I. The project report envisages 30000 commercial layer bird to be reared each year.
  • II. Form first year onward for batches of 7500 DOC chicks will be reared in brooder house for 8 weeks and in grower house for 12 weeks.
  • III. Four layer batches of 7500 birds will be reared in 4 layer sheds for 52 weeks of production.
  • IV. Average egg productions is considered 320(6.15 eggs per week) per bird in production year.
  • V. Average sale price per egg is considered Rs.4.50 per egg.
  • VI. Cast of culled birds on 72 weeks is taken Rs. 90/-bird.
  • VII. Growing and brooding on period mortanty considered is 5% and laying period 3%
  • VIII. Feed consumption per birds per week in brooding and laying and laying has been considered 0.169,0.409 and 0.655kg. per bird week respectively.
  • IX. The cost of feed considered per ton as Rs. 24000, 22000 and 22500 respectively for brooding, growing period.
  • X. Constructed area for brooder and grower house considered 1000 and 1000 sqft. for a flock of 7500 chicks and 0.60 sqft. Per layer bird in layer house.
  • XI. The loan (T.L.+C.C.) taken from bank will be repayed in five equal installment starting from second year. First year will be considered gestation period.
  • XII. Income from poultry manure and empty bags considered as Rs.20/-per bird per year .
  • XIII. Cost6 of medicine and vaccine for brooding and growing period (0-20weeks) taken at Rs.31/- and for layers Rs.10/-bird for entire life.


The sanent features of the project are as Estimated:-
Particulars Rate Rs In lac
1. Land(Self/Owned) 2.5 Acres -
2.a Land Development and Fencing 0.00
2.b Brooder House area 0.4sqft. (1000 sqft.) 495/-Rs pr sqft. 4.95
2.c Grower House area 0.60sqft (1000sqft.)495/- 4.95
2.d Laye Shed 0.8 sqft/bied(1200sqft) X shed -2400 sqft x 495 per sqft 118.80
2.e Feed Mill and Godown 500 sqft. 820/-per sqft 4.10
2.f Egg Store 400 per sqft 820/- 3.28
2.g Office & Staff 300 sqft. 820/- 2.46
2.h Dead birds disposal pit 100sqft 820/- 0.82
2.i Attendants Room & Lab 200 sqft 820/- 1.64
2.j Postmortom Rooms 200 sqft 850/- 1.70
Total 142.69
3 Equipments & Machinries
3.a Deep Boring, pipeline, OHT and submersible stamp 1.20
3.b Mixer Grinder for Feed Mill 4.00
3.c Generaror 2.00
3.d Cages for brooder house for 15000 chicks 60/- per chick 9.00
3.e Layer eages for Rs. 3000 birds 100/-per bird 30.00
3.f Misc. (egg tray, flamegun, Trolly, sprayer etc) 1.80
3.g Electric work 1.00
Total 49.00
4 Recurring Cost
4.a Cost of 30000 (four flocks) DOC 12.00
4.b Cost of feed for 3000 chicks upto 20 weeks (non productive period) 45.00
4.c Medicine , Vaccine ,Lab etc. 4.00
4.d Overhead for 6 month 4.00
Total 65.00
Total Cost of the Project (2+3+4) 256.69
Means of Finance :
1. Total Project Cost 256.69 lac
2. Bank Finance (70%) 179.69lac
3. Margin Money (30%) 77.00lac


Sale of eggs, Gunny bags and manure and culled birds
Years Batch size Total layer weeks (no) Prod./bied/week(nis) 6.15 eggs Total egg prod (no in lac) Egg selling price Rs 4.50 per egg (A) Total sale value Rs in lac Total culled birds (nos) (B) Return fotm sale of culled birds Rs.90/-birds (C)Retuen form sale of Gunny Bags and Manure R. 20/- per bird Inccome (Rs . in lac)
7500 65 6.15 28.98 4.50 134.91 1.00 135.91
7500 208 6.15 95.94 4.50 431.73 29100 26.19 3.00 457.92
7500 208 6.15 95.94 4.50 431.73 29100 26.19 3.00 457.92
7500 208 6.15 95.94 4.50 431.73 29100 26.19 3.00 457.92
7500 208 6.15 95.94 4.50 431.73 29100 26.19 3.00 457.92
7500 208 6.15 95.4 4.50 431.73 29100 26.19 3.00 457.92
(2)Income from Sale of Gunny Bags and Manure
Year Batch size Total feed cons. in tones Total bags (no) Price per bag Rs 10 /-per bag Gunny bag income rs. in lac Manure income Rs.10/-per Total income Rs. in lac (C)
30000 20.40 406 10.00 0.40 0.60 1.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00
30000 30.15 603 10.00 0.60 2.40 3.00


(1) Brooding Phase (0-8 Week)
Year Batch Size Brooding Weeks Total feed 0.17kg per chick Per week Feed cost Rs/kg Total Feed cost (Rs24000per ton) Cost of Medicine+ Vaccine( lac Total Cost(feed+ Mad( lac)
1 30000 8(1,2) 40.80Tons 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
2 30000 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
3 30000 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
4 30000 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
5 30000 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
6 3oooo 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
7 30000 8 40.80 24.00 9.79 7.25 17.04
Growing Phase (9-20 Week) ( lac)
Year No of Birds Growing Weeks (No) Feed Consumption 0.413kg Per chick Perwks (Tons) Feed Cost Rs 22000 Per tons Cost of Medicine+ Vaccine ( lac) Total Cost (feed+medicine) lac
1 30000 12 148.68 32.70 2.25 34.95
2 30000 12 148.68 32.70 2.25 34.95
3 30000 12 148.68 32.70 2.25 34.95
4 30000 12 148.68 32.70 2.25 34.95
5 30000 12 148.48 32.70 2.25 34.95
6 30000 12 148.48 32.70 2.25 34.95
7 30000 12 148.48 32.70 2.25 34.95
(3) Expendinditure in Laying Phase (21 to 72 Weeks)
Year No of Brids Avg.per batch Laying Weeks Feed 0.75 kg per brird Per Week Total Feed in tones Feed Cost Rs/-22.50 per kg Cost Medicine+ Vaccine(Rs. In lac) Total feed +Medl cost (Rs in lac)
1 7500 65 0.75kg 365.625 82.27 2.25 84.52
2 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
3 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
4 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
5 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
6 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
7 7500 208 0.75kg 1170 263.25 3.00 266.25
(4) Chick Purchase Cost
Year No of Chicks Total Flock Nos Total Chiks Rate Rs. Per Chick Total cost Lac
1 30000 4*7500 30000 40.00 12.00
2 30000 4*7500 30000 40.00 12.00
3 30000 4*7500 30000 40.00 12.00
4 30000 4*7500 30000 40.00 12.00
5 30000 4*7500 30000 40.00 12.00
(5) Salaries Wages and Other S
No Description No Salary Per Month Yearly-1 (6 months) Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5
1 Skilled Labour 8 5000 240000.00 480000.00 480000.00 480000.00 480000.00
2 Poultry attendant 10 4000 240000.00 480000.00 480000.00 480000.00 480000.00
3 miscellaneous - 4000 24000.00 48000.00 48000.00 48000.00 48000.00
Total 18 - 504000.00 1008000.00 1008000.00 1008000.00 1008000.00
Income Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6
From sale of egss, culled Birds, manure,bags 135.91 457.92 457.92 457.92 457.92 457.92
B - EXPENDITURE 149.41 331.14 331.14 331.14 331.14 331.14
Gross Profit (A-B) -13.50 126.78 126.78 126.78 126.78 126.78
Principal repayment to Bank of Tern Loan +CC Limit -50.83 50.83 50.83 50.83 50.83
Net Saving -13.50 95.28 95.28 95.28 95.28 95.28
Year Loan Amount RepaymentPrincipleamount InterestusbventionbyGovt .7 Maximum
1 179.69 Gestation Period -
2 179.69 35.936 12.577
3 143.75 35.936 10.062
4 107.82 35.936 7.547
5 71.89 35.936 5.032
6 35.96 35.936 2.517
Total 179.69 37.735
Year lac Cumulative
1 12.57 12.5777
2 10.062 22.639
3 7.547 30.186
4 5.032 35.218
5 2.517 37.735
Total in 5 years Rs.37.735 Lac per unit
Annual Expenditure and Income Profit and Loss
SNO Particulars
Sale of eggs 134.91 431.73 431.73 431.73 431.73 431.73
Sale of culled birds - 26.19 26.19 26.19 26.19 26.19
Sale of Manure and Empty bags 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Total 135.91 460.92 460.92 460.92 460.92 460.92
B Expenditure
Cost of chicks 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Cost of feed
Brooding 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79
Growing 32.70 32.70 32.70 32.70 32.70 32.70
Laying 82.27 263.25 263.25 263.25 263.25 263.25
Cost of Medicine
Brooding +Growing 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50
Laying 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Overhead 5.04 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.08
Total Expenditure 153.55 340.32 340.32 340.32 340.32 340.32
C Gross saving (A+B) -17.64 120.60 120.60 120.60 120.60 120.60
D Bank Loan Repayment - 35.936 35.936 35.936 35.936 35.936
E Net Saving per year (gross saving Bank Loan ) (C-D) -17.64 84.664 84.664 84.664 84.664 84.664
F Interest subvention (7%) - 12.577 10.062 7.547 5.032 2.517
G Net Saving per year Interest subvention (Net saving +Interest Subvention paid)(E+F) -17.64 97.241 94.725 92.211 89.696 87.181